After 5 Years… I’m Retiring.

Hey Friends,

I announced on Instagram earlier this week that I am retiring from Clinical Dentistry.

If you missed it - the post is here

Over the last year and a half I created my online training program Aligner Launchpad

This program has already impacted over 150 dentists across the world and has taught them how to START offering Clear Aligners in their practice and be a stepping stone for them to elevate their careers.

Clear Aligners were a clinical passion of mine - but as I have grown and gone down this path of education and content creation it is clear which passion is greater.

I tried to practice and grow this online program/business on the side but it is very clear to me where I need to focus more of my time and energy.

I feel as though it is my duty to create content and help educate as many dentists across the world because the way I see it - nobody else is doing it at scale.

Nobody has truly leaned into social media in the education space in dentistry… the leaders who are doing it are doing it on the side. I think it is admirable to do both - but I personally need to focus on it full time to make the impact I desire.

I see numerous problems/gaps in our industry and endless possibilities for ways that I can make a positive impact in the dental field and none of it requires me to be behind the dental chair.

Collaboration will be key as I know that I cannot do this alone.

But I need to start and blaze the trail to be able to bring others with me.

I know this is unconventional and unheard of in our field - to clinically retire after 5 years of practice.

I’m not asking for permission.

This is my calling.

This is what I must do.

I plan to dedicate more time, energy and resources to Aligner Launchpad to maintain it as the #1 Online Aligner Training Program in the world.

I also plan to make dental content at scale to provide free and accessible aligner education as well as shine light on the gaps in our profession while also working to create programs and solutions to solve for them.

This will not be easy - but I am excited to crank the dial up and go for it.

I appreciate your support on this journey, if you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Something You Should Know...

Is it just me or are Dental Influencers are becoming more of a thing?

The thing is… not all of them are good.

I mean it in the best way possible!

You see - a lot of dental influencers are just copying the next person they see and create content accordingly.

This is not the best way to do it.

The 2 biggest problems with this is because when you copy someone else you are:

  1. Not being authentic
  2. Creating content in an unsustainable way

Why are these problems?

Because consistency is KEY to winning and growing on social media.

If you are not posting authentically and just copying what everyone else is doing then this is the fastest way to BURN OUT.

So if being a dental influencer, content creator, or even growing your dental practice’s social media page is something you are remotely interested in doing…

Check out this post I made here where I share my thoughts and some content ideas!

Straight Talk

When dealing with cases that involve challenging rotations of misaligned teeth, precision attachments can be a valuable addition to your aligner treatment plan. Precision attachments are small, custom-designed attachments placed on specific teeth to aid in controlled and accurate tooth movement.

Here's how you can implement precision attachments:

  1. Case Assessment: Identify cases where rotations are expected to be particularly challenging with aligners alone. These could be teeth that require more than 20-30 degrees of rotation or cases with limited available space.
  2. Treatment Planning: Collaborate with your orthodontic lab to design precision attachments that provide the necessary grip and control over the targeted tooth. These attachments are typically made from composite material.
  3. Attachment Placement: During your aligner setup, design the aligners to have small indents or undercuts that correspond to the shape and location of the precision attachment.
  4. Patient Education: Explain the purpose of precision attachments to your patient. Let them know that these attachments will help achieve more accurate rotations, leading to better treatment outcomes.
  5. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor the progress of the rotations during follow-up appointments. If needed, replace attachments that wear down or become loose to maintain treatment efficacy.
  6. Aligner Modifications: Adjust the aligner treatment plan as needed based on the progress of rotations. Precision attachments might make it necessary to refine or adjust the aligner trays to ensure optimal results.
  7. Patient Compliance: Emphasize the importance of wearing aligners as prescribed to maximize the effectiveness of the precision attachments. Patients should follow the recommended wear schedule to achieve the desired outcomes within the expected timeframe.

Remember that precision attachments require careful planning and precise execution. Proper training and experience are essential to ensure the attachments are placed accurately and effectively. Utilizing precision attachments can enhance your ability to achieve more complex tooth movements with aligners, improving patient satisfaction and treatment success.

Video of the Week

Want to know how to make 2x more money with 1 procedure?

I share the secrets behind how to do it in this youtube video

Watch it here!

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?
Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

Aligner Launchpad

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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