Being uncomfortable is better than you think…

Hey Friends,

I have been at the Dental Nachos - Super Dentist Practice Owner Boost Camp the past few days and it has been pretty monumental.

First of all - this is the first event I have ever sponsored. Clear Aligner Advisor (my Clear Aligner Coaching business) is an official sponsor.

This made sense to me but not everyone.

I had a friend text me this week when he found out and told me that me being a sponsor was wild.

I asked him why?

He said “you are an associate - 5 years out of school - you created an online aligner training program - and you are sponsoring an event for practice owners… that’s CRAZY!”

Once he told me that I actually took a second and was like “well when you put it like that - that sounds pretty nuts lol”

BUT I didn’t see i that way.

From a business perspective - this made sense.

I have a program that open minded dentists who are looking to level up can benefit from.

It is MY JOB to spread the awareness about my program - Aligner Launchpad.

So why wouldn’t I be at this event as a sponsor?

You see - I am so focused on my program being the first program that general dentists think of when they want a comprehensive program that teaches them how to start and dominate aligners in their practice - that I don’t let any “barriers” stop me from reaching that goal.

Am I uncomfortable sometimes when I have to meet new people? Of course

Did I used to think that I maybe wasn’t qualified to teach colleagues how to do aligners? Sure

Did I realize that my program has the ability to help dentists all over the world change the trajectory of their career/life? Yup.

Will I stop trying to serve + help general dentists tap into the next level that they are all capable of…. Not a chance!

So I want you to know that when you are trying something new or on a growth journey… know that you WILL be uncomfortable.

But when you commit to achieving something you will surprise the hell out of yourself once you get rolling.

And once you’re rolling… don’t stop!

Straight Talk

Actionable Technical Tip for Dentists Promoting Clear Aligners:

Collect testimonial videos and before/after photos from satisfied patients.

Use these visuals on your website and social media to showcase real results and build trust with potential patients.

This approach enhances credibility and attracts new patients to your clear aligner services.


You can use your iPhone - whip it out when a patient starts treatment and document how excited they are to start.

Do the same when they are done

You can even document it when they come in for check ups.

Ask them “How has treatment been? What did you think would be a big deal but really isn’t? What are some benefits you’re experiencing? What are some of the challenges?”

Literally put your phone on selfie mode and just keep it conversational - these go a LONG WAY.

Video of the Week

If you like the ideal of working part time in dentistry - I made a video sharing how I did it and how you can too… watch it here

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me? Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

Aligner Launchpad

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

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