How much I make from youtube

Hey Friends,

Today, I want to share a bit about the financial side of my YouTube channel, not from ads (that’s only about $170 a month), but the real, long-term value it brings to our community.

Why YouTube Isn’t Just About Ad Revenue

It might surprise some of you, but YouTube isn’t a major income source for me through ads.

Instead, I see it as a long-term investment in our community.

Every high-value video I post is an opportunity for viewers, especially those new to aligners, to learn a lot for free.

The real financial payoff comes when someone decides they’re ready to dive deeper and signs up for my course to get the structured learning and support they need to successfully implement aligners in their practice.

And if that never happens - it's all good.

I sleep well knowing I put in the effort to try and make a difference in the industry by providing valuable content for free that dentists can take and run with to grow their practices and live a more fulfilled life :)

Transparency and Support

I believe in being as transparent as possible—that’s why I’m sharing this. It’s important for you to know that every piece of content is crafted with the goal of educating, supporting, and empowering you, not just earning ad revenue.

How You Can Help

If you’ve found value in the videos, my ask is simple: share them.

If they’ve helped you, they can help others too.

A great way to spread the word is by sharing my videos in dental Facebook groups.

(or comment on the posts in those groups when I share them 😉... I know you see me do it)

Let your dental buddies know how these videos have helped you—it’s a fantastic way to increase awareness of the resources I’m working hard to provide for you and our fellow dental professionals.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. It means the world to me and motivates me to keep producing content that makes a difference.

Video of the Week

video preview

Getting your team excited and motivated about clear aligners doesn’t have to be a battle—and I’m about to show you the ONE simple method that works every time. Trust me, I’ve been there. When I first started implementing aligners in my practice, I faced pushback from my team ALL THE TIME.

In this video, I’m going to save you the trouble and share exactly how to get your team on board with aligners, so you can grow your practice and serve your patients in a way that works for everyone.

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Straight Talk

Jumping into the world of clear aligners? Here’s a tip that’s often overlooked but can make all the difference: consistent follow-up and support.

The moment your patients start their aligner journey, your job isn’t done—it’s just beginning. Clear aligners work best when there’s regular check-in. Why? Because it’s in those follow-up appointments where you monitor progress, catch any issues early, and keep your patients on track.

Think about it. You’ve set the plan in motion, and now it’s all about execution. Regular follow-ups are your chance to ensure that everything’s moving according to plan—literally. Teeth don’t always behave perfectly, and that’s where your expertise comes in. By staying connected, you can make those small tweaks that lead to big results.

But it’s not just about the clinical side. These check-ins also show your patients that you’re invested in their success. It’s where you reinforce their commitment, answer their questions, and provide the support they need to stay motivated. This ongoing interaction is what keeps them engaged and compliant, which directly impacts the success of the treatment.

Remember, the clearer the communication and the more consistent the support, the smoother the journey for both you and your patient. You’re not just offering a service—you’re guiding them through a transformative experience. And that experience is what turns satisfied patients into raving fans who refer their friends and family.

So, don’t let the follow-up slide. Make it a priority to stay connected with your patients throughout their aligner journey. It’s the difference between good results and great results.

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?

Check out my online courses below

How to get more aligner patients without a marketing agency (free)

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

How To Maximize Revenue And Minimize Chair Time (Free)

Clear Aligner Blueprint (Core Curriculum Aligner Course)

Aligner Launchpad (Comprehensive Aligner Course)

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

Do you own multiple practices and feel bogged down by mentorship?
Would you like to outsource your aligner training and support so that your practices can increase their revenue + you can get more time to focus on other aspects of your business?
If so...your group may be a good candidate for our Aligner Advantage program - book a time HERE so we can see if we can help.

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:

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