The tables have turned...

Hey Friends,

On Thursday Neha and I were officially THOSE people.

We were the people with a crying baby on the plane... twice.

We took Naira on her first plane ride and had a connecting flight in Atlanta.

There was a delay, there were tears (Naira's lol), but we made it safely.

To the parents reading this you know EXACTLY what this feeling feels like.

To the people without kids... bless your soul.

It's funny because before we had Naira I used to get annoyed when babies would cry on the plane.

I didn't understand or realize that that is just WHAT THEY DO.

Everyone communicates differently and babies communicate by crying.

It's crazy because when Naira cried I thought I would get embarrassed or feel bad... but i didn't.

I felt myself lock in and go into Dad mode.

I was going to do whatever it took to soothe her and "ride it out"

It was a pretty epic feeling because I didn't know I was capable of doing that.

Blocking out "the noise" and the "thoughts of others" to just focus on my and my fam.

This sparked a thought that I wanted to share with you all.

Here's a hack for you...

If you get annoyed by screaming babies or don't want to hear them...


Very simple but very effective.

I say this because they guy sitting next to me didn't have any headphones

He was raw dogging the entire flight... (no luggage, no devices... just him and his thoughts)

I did the pre-apology when sitting down that this was Naira's first flight and he didn't mind at all.

There's not really a deeper message here - I just wanted to loop you guys in on this monumental moment in our life...

A successful plane ride to hopefully set the stage for many more to come 😁

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Straight Talk

Are you ready to elevate your practice to the next level?

Incorporating clear aligners into your practice can be a game-changer, and I’ve got some tips to help you get started.

First, make sure you have a solid grasp of the basics of orthodontics. Understanding tooth movement, aligner mechanics, and case selection is crucial. Begin with simpler cases involving mild to moderate crowding or spacing to build your confidence.

Invest in a high-quality intraoral scanner to streamline the process and enhance your professional image. Partner with a reputable aligner company that offers robust support and training.

Educate your team so they can confidently communicate the benefits to patients. Integrate aligner treatment into your workflow by scheduling regular checks alongside routine appointments.

Let your patients know about your new services through your website and social media. Share success stories to build trust and encourage others.

Lastly, continue your education through webinars and workshops to stay updated.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner.

Trust your skills, embrace the journey, and with each case, you’ll gain confidence and expertise.

If you have any questions, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Video of the Week


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If your are a dental professional and are concerned about the future of your career... you need to watch this video.

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?

Free Strategy Call For: 1 on 1 Online Business/Social Media Coaching

Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

How To Maximize Revenue And Minimize Chair Time (Free)

Clear Aligner Blueprint (Core Curriculum Aligner Course)

Aligner Launchpad (Comprehensive Aligner Course)

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:

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