This is a big problem in our industry...

Hey Friends,

There is a huge problem in our industry.

A lot of people are just trying to be average.

Why is this a problem?

Because when you are just aiming for "stability" and "getting by" you are doing yourself a disservice.

You are capable of more than you think you are.

I know it because I am living it.

When I graduated dental school my wife - Neha - was excited.

She was working for a tech startup at the time so she was CRAVING stabilitiy.

She thought that we were about to have a stable and predictable income for YEARS to come because I was a dentist and that's what dentists have.

This couldn't be farther from the truth.

In fact - she had a more stable income than I did... which is nuts

It was this way until I decided to lean into leveling up my career.

I learned to do aligners and my career never looked the same.

This isn't just me - this is what less than 10% of dentists are experiencing - and you can experience it as well.

I have personally impacted over 180 dentists gain confidence with aligners and they have gone on to start cases and are not looking back.

This is a DM between me and one of the docs in my program.

She used the EZ Start method from my program to get a case start.

If you want to learn the EZ Start method - I go over it in my latest masterclass

Register for it here 👇🏽

Video of the Week

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In this video, we'll explore why clear aligners are the gold standard for high-profit dental procedures. Don't miss out on this high-ticket procedure! Tune in to learn more about incorporating clear aligners into your practice and boosting your profitability.

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Something You Should Know...

Here’s the first and most crucial step: Proper diagnosis. You can’t skip this. A thorough examination, including X-rays and photos, is your foundation. It’s like building a house—you need a solid base.

Why is this so important? Because clear aligners are all about precision. You need to know exactly what you’re working with. X-rays and photos give you the full picture, literally. They help you see the alignment issues, understand the root causes, and plan the treatment accurately.

Starting with the right diagnosis sets you up for success. It builds trust with your patients—they see you’re thorough, detailed, and committed to getting the best results. Plus, it makes your job easier. With a clear understanding of the problem, you can create a precise treatment plan that leads to predictable, satisfying results.

Don’t rush this step. Take your time with each examination. Use the best tools at your disposal. The investment you make in a proper diagnosis will pay off massively in the quality of your treatments and the satisfaction of your patients.

Did you know that your dental product/services could reach over 5,000 dental professionals through our newsletter? 🦷✨

If you're interested in giving your business a spotlight, drop us a line at Let's spread the word together!

Oh yeah - if you want to learn how to do aligners in person at our 2 day event in Austin

Register for it here - we only have a few spots left

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?

Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

How To Maximize Revenue And Minimize Chair Time (Free)

Clear Aligner Blueprint (Core Curriculum Aligner Course)

Aligner Launchpad (Comprehensive Aligner Course)

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

Do you own multiple practices and feel bogged down by mentorship?
Would you like to outsource your aligner training and support so that your practices can increase their revenue + you can get more time to focus on other aspects of your business?
If so...your group may be a good candidate for our Aligner Advantage program - book a time HERE so we can see if we can help.

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:

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