You don't know what you don't know...

Hey Friends,

You know how they say you won't know about something unless you try it?

I experienced that moment last month when I decided to make a major shift in the business.

So traditionally the only way I was reaching dentists was online.

I was making youtube videos and instagram reels and writing this newsletter to try and provide free education around aligners.

This is something nobody else is doing and at the time I wanted to be the one to do it because I wish something like this existed when I first started out.

I poured in hours and so much energy that it became all consuming and I decided to pursue it full time.

I have 0 regrets.

But one thing I didn't realize was that a lot of dentists prefer to learn in person vs. online.

(I have opinions on the benefits of those but that is for another time.)

Coincidentally my friend Karan specializes in helping people setup in person workshops/events all over the world.

He told me my audience would LOVE an in person event and it would be a great way to meet them in person.

But if I was going to do an in person event I didn't want it to be like all the other dental events.

Big conference rooms, a bunch of people, and a lot of fluff information.

I wanted something immersive, new, personalized, and action oriented.

This is where I decided to go for it.

I am so excited to announce that we are doing our in person event and it is called the


1/3 of the event is already sold out!

Location of the event:

Whether you have never done a case or done a few but have no idea what you are doing with aligners... when you come to the bootcamp you will leave feeling confident with aligners and be able to implement them in your practice the following Monday.

If you want more information about the event - book a time to chat with me using this link 👇🏽

Did you know that your dental product/services could reach over 3,500 dental professionals through our newsletter? 🦷✨

If you're interested in giving your business a spotlight, drop us a line at Let's spread the word together!

Straight Talk

Selecting the right cases for clear aligner treatment is critical for achieving successful outcomes. General dentists should consider several key factors when determining if a patient is a good candidate for clear aligners:

  • Assess malocclusion complexity: Mild to moderate cases are most suitable.
  • Evaluate patient's oral health: Ensure periodontal stability and good hygiene.
  • Consider patient compliance and lifestyle: Aligners require 20-22 hours of daily wear.
  • Age and growth: Suitable for adults and mature teens; consider growth in younger patients.
  • Set realistic expectations: Discuss treatment duration, potential refinements, and retention.

By carefully considering these factors during case selection, general dentists can identify patients who are likely to benefit from clear aligner therapy, leading to more predictable outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.

Video of the Week

video preview

In this video, I dive into the essential questions every patient should consider before getting braces or aligners. I'll cover everything from the basics of each treatment option to what you can expect during the alignment process.

Whether you're deciding which treatment is right for you or just curious about orthodontic options, this video will provide you with the clarity you need.

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?

Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

How To Maximize Revenue And Minimize Chair Time (Free)

Clear Aligner Blueprint (Core Curriculum Aligner Course)

Aligner Launchpad (Comprehensive Aligner Course)

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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