I am starting something new...

Hey Friends,

This week was awesome!

My birthday was on Monday and I was informed that I won Dr. Bicuspid's the Cuspies 2024 Dentist Influencer of The Year!
Check out the other winners here!

This was really cool and humbling at the same time because I originally started posting on social media to share my authentic journey in dentistry.

This evolved over time to me creating my own brand - but I wanted to be the person that a previous version of me needed to see on social media.

I wasn't posting to win awards - I was posting to show others what is possible when you believe in yourself and take action towards things you want to achieve in life.

This then grew into me posting aligner tips to make aligner education more accessible, promoting my aligner course, and now opening the door to brand partnerships to help companies/products get visibility within the dental community.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have 45,000 + followers while just posting about dentistry but when I receive positive messages and hear how my content is helping people in some way - it lights me up.

This week I have also been working on my latest project....


I am naming it Clear Aligner Chats and the goal of the podcast is to share my insights on the aligner space but also bring on experts in the field to give you the information you need to feel informed about what is going on.

Dentists usually get their information about new things from.... their friends. With this podcast I want to bring the information to you - unfiltered - so that you can have the benefit of perspective to make an informed decision about how you want to grow in your career.

Like I have mentioned many times (and will continue to do so... hehe)

Aligners are the fastest growing procedure in the industry - there is more innovation in this space with tools and services than anything else in dental... there simply are not enough sources out there to arm you with the info. I am going to throw my hat in the ring and continue to serve you.

I have been on countless podcasts over the last 2 years and I never really interviewed people before - I am usually the one being interviewed so this will be a fun challenge for me!

The first few episodes are going to be some of the BIGGEST names in the aligner space in the world - you may or may not know who they are.

If you don't know them - then after you listen to the episode you will know more about their journey, what aligners did for them and their career, and how they can help support you.

If you know ANYONE who you think would be a good guest for the show PLEASE respond to this email with their name so that I can reach out (or if you know them personally an email intro would be awesome)

So many docs ask me "What scanner should I use"

"What aligner system should I use"

I don't have a blanket answer for you guys which is why I always try to get a sense of what you are currently doing and what your vision is.

That being said - it is also why I am looking to bring on people who have extensive knowledge with digital scanners and several aligner brands.

Everyone from founders of aligner companies, to sales reps for digital scanners and aligner accessory innovators.

So - now that my word vomit is over - I hope this is something that you will find valuable and ultimately subscribe to..

Also I am serious about guest recommendations so please don't be shy and respond.

This is me - not some AI robot emailing you lol

See ya next week!

Did you know that your dental product/services could reach over 3,500 dental professionals through our newsletter? 🦷✨

If you're interested in giving your business a spotlight, drop us a line at info@clearaligneradvisor.co. Let's spread the word together!

Straight Talk

I'm super excited to share with you some 'golden nuggets' of wisdom about clear aligner treatment planning. These tips aren't just from the books; they're from real-life experiences and successes in our wonderful world of dentistry. So, let’s dive in!

1. The Power of Personalization: Each patient is unique, and so should be their treatment plan. Tailoring clear aligner therapy to individual needs isn't just good practice; it's what sets us apart as thorough, caring professionals. Dive deep into understanding each patient’s specific dental anatomy and desired outcomes.

2. Embrace Digital Dentistry: If you haven’t already, it’s time to get on board with digital impressions and 3D treatment planning. Not only does it enhance accuracy, but it also provides a visual tool to engage patients in their treatment journey. Plus, who doesn't love a bit of tech flair in their practice?

3. Timing is Everything: Educate your patients about the importance of wearing their aligners for the recommended 22 hours daily. It's a commitment, but it pays off big time. Friendly reminders and motivational talks can make a huge difference in compliance.

4. Regular Check-Ins: Set up a consistent schedule for check-ins, whether in-person or virtually. It’s crucial for monitoring progress and making any necessary adjustments. Plus, it's always nice to catch up and encourage our patients along their smile journey!

5. The Finishing Touches: Post-treatment care is as important as the treatment itself. Discuss retention solutions early on and ensure that patients are well-informed about maintaining their new, perfect smiles.

I’m so eager to hear how these tips resonate with your practice and any success stories or learnings you'd like to share. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve with clear aligner treatment planning. Together, we're not just aligning teeth but crafting confidence and joy!

Video of the Week

video preview

As a dentist, I thought this treatment was safe, but I was wrong. In this video, I'll explain why this dental treatment can actually be harmful to your teeth and overall oral health. Don't make the same mistake I did - watch this video to learn more about the potential risks and alternatives to this treatment.

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?

Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

Aligner Launchpad (Comprehensive Aligner Course)

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here: https://calendly.com/doctoravi/aligner-launchpad-discovery-call

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My friend Joyce The Dentist has a DOPE newsletter called ViralPOP!

ViralPOP is a free newsletter that helps dentists grow on social media with weekly insights into what is trending so that they can go viral.


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