Reflections, Romance, and Realness: A Week in My World 🌟


What a week, friends!

Neha and I just marked our 4-year wedding anniversary – can't believe it's been that long, and yet every year feels like a new adventure.

To celebrate, I put on my amateur chef hat and whipped up a 3-course meal from scratch. Let me tell you, the kitchen saw some serious action!

We've also been on this house setup mission, tackling the garage like it's a quest in a video game.

It's amazing how decluttering can make you feel like you've won at adulting.

Now, let's talk work – had a couple of marathon meetings with the editing team.
We brainstormed YouTube content, juggled titles, and got into the nitty-gritty of thumbnails.

It was a mental workout, and I'm crossing my fingers that it all pays off. If not, well, at least we had some laughs along the way.

On the health front, I've been hitting the workout routine hard.

Sauna and cold plunge sessions have become my go-to stress busters.
I'm aiming for 5-6 days a week, but let's be real, holidays make every day a cheat day, right?

And here's where I get a bit sentimental.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I just want to say a massive thank you.

Your support means the world to me.

The fact that you're here, reading these words, it's a big deal.

Seriously, you're the reason I get to do what I love every day.

Sending you all the good vibes and looking forward to another week of adventures!


Something You Should Know...

Have you ever wondered what makes instagram reels go viral?

My friend Joyce The Dentist has a DOPE newsletter called ViralPOP!

ViralPOP is a free newsletter that helps dentists grow on social media with weekly insights into what is trending so that they can go viral.



Did you know that your dental product/services could reach over 3,500 dental professionals through our newsletter? 🦷✨

If you're interested in giving your business a spotlight, drop us a line at Let's spread the word together!

Straight Talk

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work in Clear Aligner Success

In my journey with clear aligners, I've learned that collaboration isn't just important; it's the secret sauce to motivation and excellence. When we work together, we pool our unique skills and knowledge, foster innovation, and support each other.
It's not just about efficiency; it's about delivering the best care to our patients and sharing in their smiles.
In a collaborative environment, we all thrive, and that's what keeps us motivated and inspired.

Your team wants to have a bigger purpose and role than what they are currently doing.

When you empower them in a specific role with aligners they will have a sense of pride in the process.

When this happens - everyone wins!

Video of the Week

Did you know aligners can dissolve your jaw during treatment?

I share more about this in the new video - go check it out now!



If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!



Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?
Check out my online courses below

​Aligner Case Selection Training + Guide (Free + NEW)​

​Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)​

​Aligner Launchpad​

​Aligner Advantage (Case Acceptance Course)​

​Clear Aligner Advisor Website​

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:​

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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