Smile Direct Club Shuts Down: How This Impacts You


Hey Friends,

What a ride this week has been! πŸš€

The major highlight? Drumroll, please... my brand-spankin' new desk setup. As much as I had a nostalgia trip with the old one, this upgrade's got me all kinds of pumped. Here's to new beginnings and more ergonomic joy!

Now, let's talk webinars. Dr. Sonia Chopra and I teamed up for a knowledge-packed session, and guess what? Over 1000 awesome folks signed up! πŸ™Œ If you missed the action, fear not.

You can catch the replay right here.

Trust me; it's worth the watch!

Speaking of travels, just touched down in Jacksonville with Neha and our four-legged sidekick, Simba. The fam's taking the reins while we sneak off on our baby-moon to the Cayman Islands. 🌴 Next week, it's all about baby shower vibes with tons of family and friends joining the love fest. Excitement level? Through the roof!


Here's to memories, upgrades, and embracing all the good vibes. Until next week, stay awesome!

Something You Should Know...

Smile Direct Club has officially shut down.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Patients Must Continue Payments: Patients are required to continue payments for their ongoing treatment.
  2. Lifetime Guarantee Not Honored: The company is no longer honoring its lifetime guarantee.
  3. Refunds Not Processed: Refunds are not being processed for affected customers.
  4. Opportunity for Dentists: With SmileDirectClub shutting down, there's a significant opportunity for dentists. This turn of events underscores the potential in offering orthodontic care. Dentists are encouraged to gear up and learn about these services, particularly as 2024 approaches.

In an ironic twist, SmileDirectClub is advising patients in need of orthodontic care to seek help from their dentists, emphasizing the potential for dentists to step into this space.

If you are looking for training on aligners we are closing out our final cohort for Aligner Launchpad.


This is a comprehensive Aligner training program that you can use for ALL brands (Invisalign, ClearCorrect, Suresmile etc.)

Did you know that your dental product/services could reach over 3,500 dental professionals through our newsletter? 🦷✨

If you're interested in giving your business a spotlight, drop us a line at Let's spread the word together!

Straight Talk

Embracing Clear Aligners Amidst Career Transitions

As dentists, especially those fresh out of graduation, navigating various associateships can be a common experience. You might find yourself moving between multiple practices within a short period due to various reasons like changes in practice ownership or the realization by a practice that they don't need an associate. This frequent turnover can create a sense of instability, impacting your confidence and willingness to explore new treatment options, like clear aligners.

However, it's important to recognize that each new environment offers a unique opportunity to grow and define yourself as a dental professional. While dealing with career transitions, it's crucial to focus on expanding your skill set and treatment offerings, which includes considering innovative solutions like clear aligners.

Clear aligners represent a significant advancement in dental treatment and can be a valuable addition to your practice, regardless of your current stage or setting. Embracing them can not only enhance your expertise but also provide your patients with modern and effective treatment options. As you continue to evolve in your career, consider integrating clear aligners into your practice. This will not only benefit your patients but also contribute to your professional growth and adaptability in diverse dental settings.


Video of the Week


video preview​


In this video, we're going to explain how smiledirectclub, a 9-billion-dollar company, went bankrupt.


If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!



Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. Want to learn more from me?

Free Strategy Call For: 1 on 1 Online Business/Social Media Coaching​

Check out my online courses below

​Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)​

​Aligner Launchpad (Comprehensive Aligner Course)​

​Clear Aligner Advisor Website​

P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:​

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