You Don't Know What You Don't Know...

Hey Friends,

Hope you had a good week this week!

Neha and I are finally back home from our travel sprint :)

I had my first week as a full time online entrepreneur (still went in to the office yesterday because I am finishing up an aligner case on one of my patients haha)

Career update for me:

For those of you who have been following me since "the beginning" - you know that I have not taken on any brand deals or sponsorships.

The main things that I have been posting about were aligner education, my training programs, my viewpoint on the industry and my life.

These topics have proven to be of some value/interest to you- hence why my following has grown on social media (from 850 to 56k followers in 18 months)

I strategically have not taken on brand partnerships because I wanted to focus on building MY brand and serving MY audience.

However with more reach and influence I feel responsible + motivated to continue to serve you all.

There are sooooo many ways to do this.

1 of the many ways to do that would be to get products/services of value in front of you.

Things that can make your life easier, better, happier.

Think of it as an easy way for you to "know about things"

And at the end of the day you don't know what you don't know...

So if you see some sponsored posts in here, on IG, youtube etc. this is why.

If you have a product or service that you think is valuable and want my help to showcase it to over 4,000 dental professionals world wide... respond to this email and we can set up a time to chat!

Don't worry - the main focus of my content will not change and I will still do my best to provide high quality personal/authentic content that you all have been enjoying 😁

Now...the subject of this email could not be more true.

You see when I first created Aligner Launchpad - I thought it was the program that everyone who starts out with aligners WANTED.

A comprehensive A-Z, accessible training program for aligners.

Turns out - not everyone is ready for that!

Some people want the whole SHA-BANG...and they enroll in the program!
(we have been filling up every cohort btw)

Others can get intimidated by that much information and may only want a starting point.

A smaller piece of the puzzle.

Something to just get the ball rolling...

I didn't KNOW that.

However - I have done various polls on my social media channels and have been listening to your requests.

So I want you to know that I have rolled up my sleeves and am cookin' up something REAL nice for you all.

It's something that I wish existed when I first started and it is something you all have requested.

I didn't know this before - but now I do.

I will be sharing more about what it is over the next few weeks.

Any guesses on what it is?

Feel free to respond to this email and share your guess - i'll tell you if you are right 😉

BTW Aligner Launchpad is still live and very active - so if you are debating on enrolling don't wait - the next cohort is filling up and closes soon!

(You can still benefit from the new resource even after enrolling in Aligner Launchpad - so don't worry)

Something You Should Know...

Have you ever wondered what makes instagram reels go viral?

My friend Joyce The Dentist has a DOPE newsletter called ViralPOP!

ViralPOP is a free newsletter that helps dentists grow on social media with weekly insights into what is trending so that they can go viral.


Straight Talk

I wanted to share a valuable tip that you can put into action right away to enhance your aligner treatments.

When fitting aligners for your patients, pay extra attention to the attachment placement. These small, tooth-colored attachments play a crucial role in guiding tooth movement and ensuring the aligners fit snugly.

Here's the actionable part: Before placing attachments, take a moment to isolate and dry the tooth surface. This might sound simple, but it can make a world of difference. A dry tooth surface allows the adhesive to bond more effectively, leading to stronger attachment retention throughout the treatment.

By isolating and drying the tooth, you're creating an optimal environment for the adhesive to do its job. This not only improves attachment stability but also contributes to better overall aligner performance.

Remember, a little extra attention to detail can go a long way in delivering outstanding results and boosting patient satisfaction. Feel free to implement this tip starting tomorrow, and I'm confident you'll see the positive impact on your aligner treatments.

I wish you continued success in your practice! Keep up the fantastic work.

Video of the Week

In this video, I'm continuing my series on why people are afraid of the dentist. In this video, I share the top 3 reasons why people are afraid of the dentist.

To know more, watch it here.

If you enjoy dental content and you are not already - ​subscribe to my youtube channel​ - I drop a new video every week!

Your Friend,

Dr. Avi

P.S. If you have a product or service that you think is valuable and want my help to showcase it to over 56,000 dental professionals world wide... respond to this email and we can set up a time to chat!

P.P.S. Want to learn more from me?
Check out my online courses below

Clear Aligner Masterclass (free)

Aligner Launchpad

Clear Aligner Advisor Website

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P.P.P.S. - If you have any questions about Aligner Launchpad (clear aligner training program) feel free to book a no obligation - 1 on 1 discovery call with me here:

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

If you do not want another email from me ever again - unsubscribe below. I will be sad to see you go as I plan to continue to bring as much value as I can for you - but I understand if you don't find any of this valuable. Best of luck with everything and thanks for your time!
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